Saturday, April 20, 2024

Reader-Supported Journalism about Louisiana, the Land and Her People. Est. 2017

Best of the BriefSince 2017
We share the stories of Louisiana

The History and Enduring Legacy of Bloody Caddo

As exemplified in the current debate over a courthouse monument, the failure to confront Shreveport’s brutal past still haunts the final capital city of the Confederacy to acknowledge defeat.

‘City of a Million Dreams’ is a Lucid, Lyrical Masterpiece

Award-winning writer Jason Berry's new book is the definitive history of New Orleans, a 300-year-old city that challenges, defies, yet still exemplifies the American mythos. For his final article of 2018, publisher Lamar White, Jr. sat down with Berry for a candid conversation about the past, present, and future of New Orleans.